Sitting in a dental chair for my first dental cleaning in at least a decade, I was thinking how I used to dread the dental appointment. Even with my near-flawless set of pearly whites, I never felt right sitting in a chair while a tooth mechanic in a labcoat inserted surgical instruments inside my mouth. Then, of course, came the braces years, my orthodontic rite of passage into the American middle class. From mold to braces, rubber bands to retainer, it was great fun. Having achieved a reputation of great eclat as a dandruffed immigrant in junior high, nothing at the age of 12, save perhaps a pair of L.A. Gear Lights and a public delousing, could have further enriched my social C.V.
But I tell you, as my parents' friend was slicing and dicing my gums, assiduously eradicating every last vestige of the plaque that has been feasting on my incisors since the free ride I gave it sometime in high school, I thought, Woah, it's really not so bad. Of the many pairs of professional hands that we submit outselves to in the course of our daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly lives, dentists are perhaps the most authoritarian--and should be the ones to which we most easily acquiesce. Sure, they dispense redundant advice--but reinforcing simple doctrine saves gums! (One feels a physician, facing the even slightly baffling complaint, is always a legal hurdle away from applying leeches.) The internist will give you a perfunctory checkup and indifferent care. A specialist will violate your personal spaces. Even barbers can talk your head off if they're so inclined. (Thank god for that humidifier the dentist jams in your mouth!) Once you're in that chair, it's their game--you're just a ball--and they will decide how high and where you bounce.
For me, yielding to the oral hygienist's care is like flying on an airplane. You give yourself over to the trained pilot's care, and trust he will get you there--some expected turbulence notwithstanding. If not he, then who? Of course, the parallel falls flat when considering the possibility of flying lessons--does anyone outside the Third World and old books still prefer fishing line and slamming doors to Novocaine, forceps, and tweezers?
It is undeniable: dentists are the best friends we don't want, but desperately need. They are our celery and spinach! So grab that mirror, pick, and scalpel, Doctor, and do your thing!
Merry Christmas to all.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Ping Pong
From the "why they hate us" column, Donald attacks the lately apologetic* Rosie for accurately, but bitterly, muckraking on the D. This guy's is about as classy and secure as she intentionally funny. Now, I wonder how this will be reported in China?
*Hat tip: DukeBloggins
*Hat tip: DukeBloggins
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Hacks, Thugs, and Midgets
Wow. In one game, the Knicks go from sad sports spectacle coached by an atrocious GM wanna-be to a circus act complete with midget wrestler and a whiny ex-player-in-chief, becoming the subtitle of the latest Tom Waits album.
(As a footnote, "Melo" goes from casual toker and Stop Snitchin' advocate to sucker-punching bitch.)
(As a footnote, "Melo" goes from casual toker and Stop Snitchin' advocate to sucker-punching bitch.)
time mag
When did Time magazine become an institution of pussys?
Saturday, December 16, 2006
On the uptown D (the original B express)
As the doors opened at 42nd St. and a girl jumped up and out, I allowed the seat below me to stay vacant for a more worthy occupant. But the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Just as a seat-hugry woman who looked to be in her sixties boarded and lit up with joy at my passive gentlemanship, an Indian slacker with a slicked indie-rock hairdo carrying a rolled-up poster made a beeline for the seat, displacing the poor lady right in front of her nose. As I contemplated intervening, the understandably captious lady made a sarcastic remark I couldn't hear over my new mp3 player.
The slacker glibly retorted: "Go fuck yourself, lady!"
As I considered the issue of justice and started making peace with my conscience, the lady, now making a deperate lunge for a cross-car seat, seemed to be pulling me with her. Then I realized she was, dragging me after the headphone cord wrapped around one of her coat buttons like a willful puppy. "Whoa, whoa there, lady!" I warned as the Indian let out another flurry of invective. And, with a nibmle move, I extricated myself from her woolen leash.
As the doors opened at 42nd St. and a girl jumped up and out, I allowed the seat below me to stay vacant for a more worthy occupant. But the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Just as a seat-hugry woman who looked to be in her sixties boarded and lit up with joy at my passive gentlemanship, an Indian slacker with a slicked indie-rock hairdo carrying a rolled-up poster made a beeline for the seat, displacing the poor lady right in front of her nose. As I contemplated intervening, the understandably captious lady made a sarcastic remark I couldn't hear over my new mp3 player.
The slacker glibly retorted: "Go fuck yourself, lady!"
As I considered the issue of justice and started making peace with my conscience, the lady, now making a deperate lunge for a cross-car seat, seemed to be pulling me with her. Then I realized she was, dragging me after the headphone cord wrapped around one of her coat buttons like a willful puppy. "Whoa, whoa there, lady!" I warned as the Indian let out another flurry of invective. And, with a nibmle move, I extricated myself from her woolen leash.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Borat? Borat Who?
A pretty good cap on the Borat phenom:
Monday, December 11, 2006
Move Over, Sam Champion
Everyone's favorite southern weatherman is also a familiar face from the past.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Globalize This!
This story speaks for pointed out by M.B., Esq., 5 cm is a huge, 2-inch difference. India is really making the prophylactic headlines this month.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Rosie the Shaq
edit: this is actually the second time she's done this on tv. i remember watching her show during oscar season when crouching tiger was nominated for best picture against whatever movie she was into. she pulled the mock chinese in that episode too. love that edgy 1980's humor that kramer tried to bring back.
edit: this is actually the second time she's done this on tv. i remember watching her show during oscar season when crouching tiger was nominated for best picture against whatever movie she was into. she pulled the mock chinese in that episode too. love that edgy 1980's humor that kramer tried to bring back.
bohemigrant 1 is having a little trouble updating.. blame 2.
backup dancer has seizure but the band plays on
btw, can these girls sing for real?
backup dancer has seizure but the band plays on
btw, can these girls sing for real?
Friday, December 08, 2006
It's Hard to Find Good Mexican in NYC
So there was Bohemigrant, just idling away a few morning minutes googling a website of a trendy little cantina he'd spied. All he wanted was a Cali-style fish taco...when countercultural saturation foiled his efforts.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Dance, Puppets, Dance
The incredibly ridiculous McDonald's phone hoax, video-blogged for your enjoyment. Won't anyone think of the real victim here--Wes the exterminator? The guy will be doing jail time for doing his darndest to appease a phone terrorist and protect an innocent young girl.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Would You Like Malaise with That?
A classic case of an incompetent president chasing history and legacy in his autumn (perhaps winter) years, Jimmy Carter is better off building homes for Katrina victims or raising money in telethons than offering up more bugaboos over the all-powerful American Jew-Zionist Complex. He may have good intentions as a Christian, but he is a moron as a politician and a statesman.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
I just finished watching the giants game. Their secondary is just horrible. Will someone please crack Will Demps' kneecap please? Eli with his terrible passes. Bad coaching, undisciplined team. Stupid penalties. Man that's frustrating. oh well, when's baseball season?
Gwyneth Palt Row
Duuude. Americans are so totally capitalistic. And that's like, ewww, I wanna have some stimulating dinner conversation now...perhaps about how much of a puppy Tony Blair is...or how best to enhance British dental care. I am soooo glad to be here in merry old England, where I can have deep thoughts to text Madonna and not pay long-distance surcharges. Superficiality is like so totally American!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Polonium, Wherefore Art Thou, Polonium?
At this point, Bohemigrant's paranoiac tendencies swing into high gear, as Poison Gate moves closer and closer to home (in a manner of speaking).
Also, DukeNobbins recommends everyone check out the next issue of Faces Strategic Communications. It promises to be riveting!
Also, DukeNobbins recommends everyone check out the next issue of Faces Strategic Communications. It promises to be riveting!
Kiss of Death
Say what you will, but at least this guy died practicing his craft, unlike a certain other wildlife hunter we all know.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Some Pix from Ancient Greece

L to R: Panos, T., "Jimmy," Bohemigrant II at one of the best rembetika joints in Athens. I swear, Jimmy is a stand-in for Gandolfini.

Stray dog (a common Greek dweller) taking a nap on the Parthenon steps.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
the POST
Once in a while the New York Post offers up a gem. (hey soldiers die every day but how often do you get three celebrity hoes together in a car right?) Hoes before prose today.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
sexiest man
George Clooney IS Rocky Dennis.
ps. i promise to never show pictures of people barfing, only pictures causing you to barf.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
As promised, Bohemigrant II is moving shop to ancient Greece for a week. Please direct all queries/complaints to my homey Bohemigrant I. Part of my weeklong assignment will be cross-cultural comparisons of native Greeks to the American diaspora.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Michael Richards Goes Crazy
Michael Richards doing his best impression of a Grand Wizard cum Chris Rock on crack. Who said there's no life after Seinfeld?
Michael Richards doing his best impression of a Grand Wizard cum Chris Rock on crack. Who said there's no life after Seinfeld?
Saturday, November 18, 2006
bohemigrant I, bohemigrant II and progeria boy have been rehearsing a youtube broadcast. Wait for it!
in the mean time , vomit.
Spare No Effort
In the midst of the OJ Comeback Tour furor, it's worth mentioning that one of Bohemigrant's own was once considered (albeit preliminarily) for a supporting role in Judith Regan's fire-and-brimstone editorial office, assisting the Princess of Darkness herself. Whatever regrets/bad blood may have existed post-rejection, should dissipate with the public lashing she will endure for the remainder of 2006 (as the cash registers ring to the tune of James Frey's iPod playlist).
PC Fratboys
Exclusive footage from a hidden webcam at Phi Delta Theta; or, as I like to call it, the coolest frat on the CU campus.
Exclusive footage from a hidden webcam at Phi Delta Theta; or, as I like to call it, the coolest frat on the CU campus.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Gotta Have It

Thursday, November 16, 2006
Guidos in Cabo
Italian Americans representing abroad. (Put out an APB on India House Ed.)
Italian Americans representing abroad. (Put out an APB on India House Ed.)
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Highfalutin Editors on the Offensive
Looks like Iran's Maureen Dowds and Paul Krugmans have gone Juan Cole/Ward Churchill over their chances in finishing off Israel, which appears to be 50% destroyed at Bohemigrant press time. More backwash from the Dems' rout? Ahmadinejad nepotizing nephews into Kehyan's editorial offices? Now that they are taking a more strident stand on the ole' Israel-annihilation platform, will they "bring it on"? Stay tuned for more bluster...
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
World's Smallest Violin
Ah, poor Carpathian gypsies hoodwinked again. By a Kazakh Jew, who else?
"These people are poor and they were tricked by people more intelligent than us," he said. "They took one of our 75-year-old ladies, put huge silicone breasts on her and said she was 47. Another man they filmed to look like the poorest person in the world, and one of our men who is missing an arm had a plastic sex toy taped to his stump."
Rage in the New Year
If you haven't heard yet, you better ask somebody. Better yet, check out Rage Central for all the info on Miami 2006. SoCo is about to get hotter than a Brooklyn banya. Changes for the 2006/07 rage include: salsa, Red State hospitality, Cubans, and girlfriends. So bring your swimsuit, dad's credit card, and propensity for moderate to heavy raging! (New ragers always welcome.)
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Mets Shiti field
The mets may have signed a deal with citigroup.
The new stadium will be called shittiefield.,0,1997391.story?track=rss
The new stadium will be called shittiefield.,0,1997391.story?track=rss
Friday, November 10, 2006
gino the guido
It's Guido week on Bohemigrant, so post your best guido-related material. I apologize for this clip, which is more grotesque than anything.
It's Guido week on Bohemigrant, so post your best guido-related material. I apologize for this clip, which is more grotesque than anything.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
The Immigrant Feminist
For whatever reason, the Polish Borat story got me thinking about Russian (and perhaps, Russian-Jewish) women again. That's right, the prototype for successful, complete women everywhere. I challenge you to find a group of ladies that can better balance professional careers, maternity, home economics and management, and self-maintenance. That's right, a Russian woman in America is capable of juggling a 9-7 job, 2 kids, a 3-course dinner featuring homemade borscht, and still have time to get that pedicure and bikini wax. I'm not being facetious--I really believe these women don't get the respect they deserve. This is to you, ladies, if one of you should ever stumble upon this page!
Some music for ya'll to digest the news of the k-fed britney breakup that no one cares about. Ah hillybilly love. It's the un Reese/Ryan marriage. But hollywood celebs don't stay together these days., I remember the days when the ugliest man alive billy joel could stay married to a hottie like christy brinkley for over a decade. Unfortunitly that union created the billy joel daughter, with the looks of billy and the brains of christy.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Leniency for Hussein
So by now we all know Saddam will be hanged (not hung, mind you) sometime in the next 3 months. Sound about right? Amnesty International, naturally, disagrees, citing procedural irrgularities. So far so good. Now the EU is decrying the sentence due to the implementation of capital punishment. What happened to cultural and moral relativity, boys and girls? Oh, alright, I'm being a little glib. Personally, I never really saw the philosophical problem in hanging, electrocuting, guillotining, or shooting a convicted mass murderer. Mainly because I feel vengeance, the only real subjective factor in making the case for or against, is a legitimate justification. The case is closed and shut on Saddam--unless some bombshell contradicts everything we think we know about this guy. People interviewed by the BBC (heh) expressed satisfaction at the conviction but winced at the hanging sentence. Alright, so the white graphic artist at Times Sq. doesn't like the idea of an icky, medieval punishment. What about the thousands of Kurds who were gassed, or the Shiites who were brutalized and imprisoned, their families raped and murdered? Do they feel the same? Would you?
Saturday, November 04, 2006
wow creepy
God says bang a manwhore and your kids will be creepy looking too.
don't look too close, he'll eat your soul.
don't look too close, he'll eat your soul.
Egolitarian Ethos
What is the last time you have opened up the pages of the L, New York Press, TimeOut, New York, The Voice…and not been met with some derisive mention of the so-called “B&T crowd”? Chances are, you’re leafing through the pages of a mag right now, whilst on the shitter, scanning through some caustic commentary; or, perhaps a fawning review of the latest trendy fusion brasserie, or admiring the latest avant-garde music venue that was formerly a Polish sausage-stuffing plant; and skipping over those gratuitous, seemingly harmless mentions of the ubiquitous New York “Bridge and Tunnel” gang.
Well, haters, your reign of unchecked hating’s over! Here’s one irate ex-Soviet who has just completed his last complementary Berlitz language tape, and he’s not amused. No longer content to watch from the sidelines, and armed with acid tongue and command of subjunctive mood and subordinate clause, I charge valiantly forth as a field marshal with a score to settle!
It seems you can’t turn any which way these days and not hear disparaging remarks about the guidos and guido-wannabes who, come TGIF time, shun scant homespun alternatives and flock to downtown Manhattan on the weekends. They come from all bridges, and all tunnels: Nassau County, Brooklyn, Queens, (Bronx?), perhaps Westchester, Connecticut, Staten Island, and—that most dreaded of all provinces put upon God’s green earth—Jersey. Although the particular peccadilloes of America’s worst social offenders are rarely identified anymore (explanations are the bane of Generation Irony), one imagines thick gold chains, tight Armani Exchange shirts (Juicy Couture for ladies), and gobs of gelled, spiky hair as prime social offenders.
Cross me off the list of “outer borough” champions. Forests of spiky hair and shirt collar boners send me into intense convulsions on a weekly basis. Put me on the list of hipster-assailants and anti-transplant bushwhackers. What I hate, and have always hated, is the unwarranted social elitism of people who believe that New York City starts in Prospect Park (if they’re feeling generous) and ends at 125th Street. So what if Chelsea from Chelsea, who chooses to spent her leftover rent money husband-fishing in the Meatpacking District, is forced to brush shoulders with Joey from Jersey, who likes to spend his credit on flashy rims and ecstasy? I thought that was the beauty of living in a real, diverse, cosmopolitan city?
Troops of the B&T brigade are often the scion of hardworking parents—first, second, third generation immigrants—the people who built this city, provided infrastructure for Duvet, Balthazar, and Bowery Ballroom. Yet Alex Trustfund and Sally Artstudent turn their noses at anyone who dares take more than 3 trains stops—or worse, a gas-guzzling automobile, into “New York” to violate the sanctity of their Saturday night.
So—yeah, perhaps the workaday crowd of Mikeys, Nickeys, and Igors likes to wind down at a fratboy bar or get down on a Eurotrashy dance floor lined with coke residue and flavored prophylactics. Maybe they opt for car shows and Rangers games over the latest fecal installation at Galapagos. Does that make them any less objectionable than you? Any less important? These are the guys who will rent you the Ft. Greene fixer-upper you’ll be sharing with four unemployed roommates, move your parents’ trust fund stocks into low-risk stocks, and handle your personal injury/divorce settlements ten years from now. What have YOU done for THEM lately?
When hipsters make their annual pilgrimage to Coney Island, converging on the holy Siren Fest stages, they tend to disregard bordering Brighton Beach, a neighborhood with much more flavor than nostalgia-heavy remnants of the soon-to-be-dismantled Coney Island boardwalk. These are people who (with a few, talented exceptions) move to New York to soak up some mystical mist, to drink from the broken fountain of inspiration, to lend authenticity to their extended visitation; tourists come to observe the austerity of those they will soon displace from yet another former hood. Yet they miss the forest for the trees.
Not that I’m complaining—the yuppification of downtown Brooklyn and the hipsterfication of the warehouse districts on the river have given me more culinary, bacchanalian, and musical reasons to escape from the cultural wasteland of southern Brooklyn… So where was I? Oh yeah: I’ll take FOBs over snobs any day… At least, that’s what I was trying to get at…
Well, haters, your reign of unchecked hating’s over! Here’s one irate ex-Soviet who has just completed his last complementary Berlitz language tape, and he’s not amused. No longer content to watch from the sidelines, and armed with acid tongue and command of subjunctive mood and subordinate clause, I charge valiantly forth as a field marshal with a score to settle!
It seems you can’t turn any which way these days and not hear disparaging remarks about the guidos and guido-wannabes who, come TGIF time, shun scant homespun alternatives and flock to downtown Manhattan on the weekends. They come from all bridges, and all tunnels: Nassau County, Brooklyn, Queens, (Bronx?), perhaps Westchester, Connecticut, Staten Island, and—that most dreaded of all provinces put upon God’s green earth—Jersey. Although the particular peccadilloes of America’s worst social offenders are rarely identified anymore (explanations are the bane of Generation Irony), one imagines thick gold chains, tight Armani Exchange shirts (Juicy Couture for ladies), and gobs of gelled, spiky hair as prime social offenders.
Cross me off the list of “outer borough” champions. Forests of spiky hair and shirt collar boners send me into intense convulsions on a weekly basis. Put me on the list of hipster-assailants and anti-transplant bushwhackers. What I hate, and have always hated, is the unwarranted social elitism of people who believe that New York City starts in Prospect Park (if they’re feeling generous) and ends at 125th Street. So what if Chelsea from Chelsea, who chooses to spent her leftover rent money husband-fishing in the Meatpacking District, is forced to brush shoulders with Joey from Jersey, who likes to spend his credit on flashy rims and ecstasy? I thought that was the beauty of living in a real, diverse, cosmopolitan city?
Troops of the B&T brigade are often the scion of hardworking parents—first, second, third generation immigrants—the people who built this city, provided infrastructure for Duvet, Balthazar, and Bowery Ballroom. Yet Alex Trustfund and Sally Artstudent turn their noses at anyone who dares take more than 3 trains stops—or worse, a gas-guzzling automobile, into “New York” to violate the sanctity of their Saturday night.
So—yeah, perhaps the workaday crowd of Mikeys, Nickeys, and Igors likes to wind down at a fratboy bar or get down on a Eurotrashy dance floor lined with coke residue and flavored prophylactics. Maybe they opt for car shows and Rangers games over the latest fecal installation at Galapagos. Does that make them any less objectionable than you? Any less important? These are the guys who will rent you the Ft. Greene fixer-upper you’ll be sharing with four unemployed roommates, move your parents’ trust fund stocks into low-risk stocks, and handle your personal injury/divorce settlements ten years from now. What have YOU done for THEM lately?
When hipsters make their annual pilgrimage to Coney Island, converging on the holy Siren Fest stages, they tend to disregard bordering Brighton Beach, a neighborhood with much more flavor than nostalgia-heavy remnants of the soon-to-be-dismantled Coney Island boardwalk. These are people who (with a few, talented exceptions) move to New York to soak up some mystical mist, to drink from the broken fountain of inspiration, to lend authenticity to their extended visitation; tourists come to observe the austerity of those they will soon displace from yet another former hood. Yet they miss the forest for the trees.
Not that I’m complaining—the yuppification of downtown Brooklyn and the hipsterfication of the warehouse districts on the river have given me more culinary, bacchanalian, and musical reasons to escape from the cultural wasteland of southern Brooklyn… So where was I? Oh yeah: I’ll take FOBs over snobs any day… At least, that’s what I was trying to get at…
yahoo article on sean combs wanting to play james bond
"Diddy says he wants to be the first black James Bond. The rap star put himself forward for the role at the MTV Europe Music Awards in Copenhagen last night."
Will someone please put this male Paris Hilton retard out of our misery. Please.
"Diddy says he wants to be the first black James Bond. The rap star put himself forward for the role at the MTV Europe Music Awards in Copenhagen last night."
Will someone please put this male Paris Hilton retard out of our misery. Please.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
happy halloween freaks! no idea what to dress as for halloween? fear not friend, the design department of bohemigrant has two recommendations for you.
warrior ashlee simpson

white trash spears.
warrior ashlee simpson
white trash spears.
Official Chicken Noodle Soup Dance
This may be the most singularly ridiculous new dance that I have seen.
This may be the most singularly ridiculous new dance that I have seen.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Jim Webb Shoots Back
I don't know what's more disturbing--James Webb's fiction, or the revelation that Cambodians suck their children's members.
Webb's Folly
As Gov. Allen atempts to bury his xenophobic monkey remark by going on the offensive, one wonders how a certain publisher did not snap up this guy back in the day...
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
This Man Taught Me How to Lift Weights
My brother bequeathed his Bob Paris book to me once upon a time. Looks like Alan Thicke did a little checking-out himself.
My brother bequeathed his Bob Paris book to me once upon a time. Looks like Alan Thicke did a little checking-out himself.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Happy Halloween
hi guys, Halloween came early this year.

more here
coming soon: worst comedians
more here
coming soon: worst comedians
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
I and I
Possibly the greatest music video EVER! I hereby challenge our reader(s) to throw down and put one up against mine! (Bohemigrant II reporting)
Wimpy, ineffectual NY Times continues to push its propaganda campaign against the Jew, suggesting the shrinkage of our hrams under the guise of "sexual maturity." We'll show them! It's womanizing time!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Top That.
Ahh 1980's magic.
Teen Witch (1989) is a drama/horror/musical/documentary. It starred the lovely Robyn Lively as Louise, a girl descended from witches of Salem. Won't you please check out this cocaine fueled peice of film.
Teen Witch (1989) is a drama/horror/musical/documentary. It starred the lovely Robyn Lively as Louise, a girl descended from witches of Salem. Won't you please check out this cocaine fueled peice of film.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Why We Fight
Were I less prudent, I'd title this humble screed The Bohemigrant Manifesto. Fortunately, the lesson learned from watching another group of revolutionaries, the erstwhile editorial masthead of New York Press (who failed to live up to lofty promises and self-acclamation before imploding over poorly drawn Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in the name of Free Speech and the year of our Lord 2005) has stuck.
But…I am not. Therefore, call this what you will. A Prologue, a Preface, a FAQ to who and what we are. The answer to the first two questions is simple and succinct: dorks out to wreak cyber-vengeance on the world with razor-sharp verbal and, more often than not, video “wit.” When we are as outraged as all that, we let the videos do the talking for us. Yep…we’re that major.
Our enemies: the hip, the not so hip, the broken-hipped; even the hippos…if they cross us, you better be sure—we’re gonna’ cross them. In fact, even if they don’t…chances are, we will. We do have more time on our hands, you know.
Our friends: few and far between.
Our casus belli need not be explained. We seek not to destroy, but to create. We honor our forebears by pissing on their virtual graves. Our manhood is secure (and we’ve got the digital cameras and Photoshop to prove it). We love italics. We are the two, the few, the new. Watch out, world. Bohemigrants are on the rise…
But…I am not. Therefore, call this what you will. A Prologue, a Preface, a FAQ to who and what we are. The answer to the first two questions is simple and succinct: dorks out to wreak cyber-vengeance on the world with razor-sharp verbal and, more often than not, video “wit.” When we are as outraged as all that, we let the videos do the talking for us. Yep…we’re that major.
Our enemies: the hip, the not so hip, the broken-hipped; even the hippos…if they cross us, you better be sure—we’re gonna’ cross them. In fact, even if they don’t…chances are, we will. We do have more time on our hands, you know.
Our friends: few and far between.
Our casus belli need not be explained. We seek not to destroy, but to create. We honor our forebears by pissing on their virtual graves. Our manhood is secure (and we’ve got the digital cameras and Photoshop to prove it). We love italics. We are the two, the few, the new. Watch out, world. Bohemigrants are on the rise…
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Those Darn Weeeeeeds
Here's story we can use to bolster enlistment efforts. Duuuuude.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
New Yorker Festival
Check out an interesting New Yorker Festival debate.
Friday, October 13, 2006
frikkin caffeine pills
let's all remember the joy of the early 90's
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Cory Lidle, Remembered
What to say about the bizarre tragedy that befell Yanks' 5th starter Lidle yesterday afternoon? Many things came to mind at first: shock, confusion, betrayal, sadness. As the dust starts to settle, however, I think we all have to ask ourselves some tough questions:
-Why did Cory Lidle hate America so much? What did American ever do to Cory Lidle?
-Should Cory have pitched Game 4?
-Is Carol Higgins Clark OK?
-Will Barry Zito make a better Cory Lidle than Cory Lidle?
-Why didn't Cory try something new? Perhaps with chemicals.
-Why did Cory Lidle hate America so much? What did American ever do to Cory Lidle?
-Should Cory have pitched Game 4?
-Is Carol Higgins Clark OK?
-Will Barry Zito make a better Cory Lidle than Cory Lidle?
-Why didn't Cory try something new? Perhaps with chemicals.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
this is the Gyroball
It's open season for Daisuke Matsuzaka, start the bidding Yankees.
START NOW. 26, World baseball championship mvp. Forget the elderly free agents.
Daisuke Matsuzaka
I'm a little sad that the Boss didn't listen to me and fire Torre. Who knows maybe he'll finally show some emotion and spark the team next year.
It's open season for Daisuke Matsuzaka, start the bidding Yankees.
START NOW. 26, World baseball championship mvp. Forget the elderly free agents.
Daisuke Matsuzaka
I'm a little sad that the Boss didn't listen to me and fire Torre. Who knows maybe he'll finally show some emotion and spark the team next year.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Fire Torre.
There I said it, Joe Torre should be fired. After what I just witnessed, i think Lou Piniella could do a better job with this 200 plus million dollar team. Maybe I should stop rooting for the Yankees all together, I survived the 80's with Henderson and Winfeld. I even survived the Deon Sanders/ Mel Hall days, but this this lost was so brutal, I don't know.
here's what other yankee fans and some redsox fans are saying
yankee forum
Now that the baseball season is over maybe it's time I root for the Discovery channel. GO jamie and adam!
here's what other yankee fans and some redsox fans are saying
yankee forum
Now that the baseball season is over maybe it's time I root for the Discovery channel. GO jamie and adam!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
South Park
The season premiere of South Park was pretty damn funny
South Park takes on WOW. View it before comedy central takes it offline
South Park takes on WOW. View it before comedy central takes it offline
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Minor Indiscretions
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more of the same
first, Go yanks.
ok friends here it is.
biff's song
just found this gem a few moments ago. you might get a kick out of this piece of unintentional comedy aswell.
ok friends here it is.
biff's song
just found this gem a few moments ago. you might get a kick out of this piece of unintentional comedy aswell.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006
American Copycat
Why do fed-up grown men take out their frustrations on innocent women? In this case, the guy isn't even angry at the particular girls and woman he slaughtered. He was just using them as an object to exact some perceived revenge. Also, if you are going to literally bite a bullet anyway, why must you drag down others who are perfectly content to keep existing?
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Daily Show Sticking Up for the Jerkers
We all remember Carl Monday's muckraking piece on the public library onanist. Now the Daily Show hits back!

China runs their animal Olympics the way they run their human Olympics: with much discipline and entertainment. I mean, who doesn't want to see a kangaroo boxing a clown? Or a competitive pig diving event?
In the News
Did you know baseball players use drugs to perform better? well, as it turns out from this article
they do! Speaking of inflation of stats did you know Pam Anderson's breasts are fake? (harhar har that ole gag)
Side note, Roy's (from the Office) last name is Anderson so if Pam had married him, her name would have been Pam Anderson.
During the Steroid heydays beginning in the mid to late 90's, players were getting injuries that were rare previously. Remember the good old days when fat pitcher would pull his back or skinny runner would twist an ankle stretching a double into a triple. Well friend if you now look at the disabled lists, it's all Muscle tears and joint/ligament problems. At first they thought it was because of the weight room. Players went from Robin Yount to Jose Conseco. Mark Mcgwire had admitted he used Androstenedione to keep him on the field because the previous years he had been constantly injured. (Mcgwire had once broken an arm swinging at strike two) While this might be true, towards the end of his career his knees were gone. He was still a big dude, he just couldn't make contact. It was the same affliction on Jason Giambi, Mcgwire's teammate in Oakland. Giambi's leg muscles had outgrown the ligaments connecting to the bone and were starting to tear. As a result he was swinging under the ball batting 190 something and my Yankees tried to void his contract. So what they took to keep them healthy and extending their careers had caused their demise. It's easy to point out guys like Giambi, Mcgwire, Sosa and Bonds but how about Jason Grimsley. Grimsley's stats were not very impressive but good enough to keep him in the league for 14 years. Yankees announcer Michael Kay had pointed out in a broadcast that Grimsley was a good guy but not the brightest bulb in the barn. Hence the Ned Isakov-an naming of names. Tejada that's twice! First with Palmeiro's B12 now this!
When the steroids were banned, the players fled to the HGH or Human Growth Hormone. Doctors had been giving many Athletes HGH during post-surgery to help them recover faster. The players noticed it's effectiveness and the fact that there is no current standardized test for it, HGH was perfect. Best yet, HGH doesn't super-size you turning Barry Bonds into Rocky Dennis Bonds. These guys work their entire lives to be professional ball players and have made much bigger sacrifices than shrinking testicles. Is it cheating or competing , or evening out the playing field. When a HGH test is finally found to be effective players careers will be much shorter and games will be more boring. Starting at first base, THIS GUY!
they do! Speaking of inflation of stats did you know Pam Anderson's breasts are fake? (harhar har that ole gag)
Side note, Roy's (from the Office) last name is Anderson so if Pam had married him, her name would have been Pam Anderson.
During the Steroid heydays beginning in the mid to late 90's, players were getting injuries that were rare previously. Remember the good old days when fat pitcher would pull his back or skinny runner would twist an ankle stretching a double into a triple. Well friend if you now look at the disabled lists, it's all Muscle tears and joint/ligament problems. At first they thought it was because of the weight room. Players went from Robin Yount to Jose Conseco. Mark Mcgwire had admitted he used Androstenedione to keep him on the field because the previous years he had been constantly injured. (Mcgwire had once broken an arm swinging at strike two) While this might be true, towards the end of his career his knees were gone. He was still a big dude, he just couldn't make contact. It was the same affliction on Jason Giambi, Mcgwire's teammate in Oakland. Giambi's leg muscles had outgrown the ligaments connecting to the bone and were starting to tear. As a result he was swinging under the ball batting 190 something and my Yankees tried to void his contract. So what they took to keep them healthy and extending their careers had caused their demise. It's easy to point out guys like Giambi, Mcgwire, Sosa and Bonds but how about Jason Grimsley. Grimsley's stats were not very impressive but good enough to keep him in the league for 14 years. Yankees announcer Michael Kay had pointed out in a broadcast that Grimsley was a good guy but not the brightest bulb in the barn. Hence the Ned Isakov-an naming of names. Tejada that's twice! First with Palmeiro's B12 now this!
When the steroids were banned, the players fled to the HGH or Human Growth Hormone. Doctors had been giving many Athletes HGH during post-surgery to help them recover faster. The players noticed it's effectiveness and the fact that there is no current standardized test for it, HGH was perfect. Best yet, HGH doesn't super-size you turning Barry Bonds into Rocky Dennis Bonds. These guys work their entire lives to be professional ball players and have made much bigger sacrifices than shrinking testicles. Is it cheating or competing , or evening out the playing field. When a HGH test is finally found to be effective players careers will be much shorter and games will be more boring. Starting at first base, THIS GUY!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Elevator Rage
In the hall-of-fame of obnoxious elevator etiquette, no single infraction is more inane than the button re-pushers. I am sure this scenario is familiar to you:
You enter the building, approach the elevator, and push the button to fetch it from the 20th floor, where 10 people crammed themselves into it, 5 of them not having the wherewithal to wait another 3 seconds for the adjacent lift. In many cases (especially if you work in an office building in a large, metropolitan area) that button is then automatically lit to indicate that you have pushed it (genius!). [Cue the idiot.] A man (or woman) now approaches. They ignore you (although some may throw a cursory glance) and proceed toward the elevator. The orange glow of the button fails to deter them from re-pushing the button in an attempt to speed up the elevator. Some may give it an extra push or two, hoping, perhaps, for tactile assurance of swifter service.
Now, this situation is as commonplace as secretaries comparing lottery notes. Unfortunately, being a sensitive person, I can't help but take this as an affront to my intelligence and human dignity. Do these people imagine that I am just idling downstairs at say, 8:59 AM? A delivery-boy lost in a sea full of sharks? Until now, I took this assault on the minimal presumption of competence in stride. Of course, I have had to reevaluate my lack of commitment to this issue when, after holding my hand on the button for about 10 seconds yesterday, and then audibly muttering sarcastic comments about my pet peeve in an effort to entertain my colleague, the man waiting directly behind us (headed to a law office on the...ahem, 2nd floor) jumped on that button as soon as I finaly released it (sure enough, triggering the orange glow) as if it was about to release the punitive damages in his wrongful injury case.
For good measure, the gentleman then attempted to outmaneuver my colleague, a female, who was first in line for the elevator. Class sticks to brain like peanut butter to jelly.
You enter the building, approach the elevator, and push the button to fetch it from the 20th floor, where 10 people crammed themselves into it, 5 of them not having the wherewithal to wait another 3 seconds for the adjacent lift. In many cases (especially if you work in an office building in a large, metropolitan area) that button is then automatically lit to indicate that you have pushed it (genius!). [Cue the idiot.] A man (or woman) now approaches. They ignore you (although some may throw a cursory glance) and proceed toward the elevator. The orange glow of the button fails to deter them from re-pushing the button in an attempt to speed up the elevator. Some may give it an extra push or two, hoping, perhaps, for tactile assurance of swifter service.
Now, this situation is as commonplace as secretaries comparing lottery notes. Unfortunately, being a sensitive person, I can't help but take this as an affront to my intelligence and human dignity. Do these people imagine that I am just idling downstairs at say, 8:59 AM? A delivery-boy lost in a sea full of sharks? Until now, I took this assault on the minimal presumption of competence in stride. Of course, I have had to reevaluate my lack of commitment to this issue when, after holding my hand on the button for about 10 seconds yesterday, and then audibly muttering sarcastic comments about my pet peeve in an effort to entertain my colleague, the man waiting directly behind us (headed to a law office on the...ahem, 2nd floor) jumped on that button as soon as I finaly released it (sure enough, triggering the orange glow) as if it was about to release the punitive damages in his wrongful injury case.
For good measure, the gentleman then attempted to outmaneuver my colleague, a female, who was first in line for the elevator. Class sticks to brain like peanut butter to jelly.
Norm Strikes Again
In-between failed sitcom pilots, Norm McDonald brings us his very own comedy album. Here is a preview of the sharp wit and pointed satire we are sure to hear.
the little superstar fights.
i'm sure you've seen the little guy dance but have you seen him fight? Enjoy the gayest fight scene ever. triple head turn!
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Bohemigrant is here! Bookmark and come back often.
We are critics of popculture and viewers of television.
But unfortunitly neither of us were born in the USA so
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