In the midst of the OJ Comeback Tour furor, it's worth mentioning that one of Bohemigrant's own was once considered (albeit preliminarily) for a supporting role in Judith Regan's fire-and-brimstone editorial office, assisting the Princess of Darkness herself. Whatever regrets/bad blood may have existed post-rejection, should dissipate with the public lashing she will endure for the remainder of 2006 (as the cash registers ring to the tune of James Frey's iPod playlist).
I have a feeling the pundits are over reacting to this OJ story. Should we wait and see what book and Fox TV show is about before we get all upset?
Judith Regan has published some books by bottom feeders such as Lush Limpballs. She dated a married man Bernie Kerik Former NYC police commissioner and Bush Home Land Security failed nominee.
But Ron Goldman has made a living off his daughter’s death. Why didn’t Ron Goldman get control of his daughter before she was slaughtered? What kind of man raises a daughter to be the 2nd wife of OJ Simpson?
--- Prof. Leland Milton Goldblatt, Ph.D. ®
prof glodblatt.
ron goldman is the father of ron goldman the murdered , not nicole brown the other murdered.
also what is this living you speak of? oj hasn't made any payments to the brown family or the goldman family. oj's money from his nfl pension can't be touched by the goldman family.
are you shitting me?
An update is in order, I believe. Also, who is this Milton character?
I thought it was you--but clearly it is not (unless you went to greath lengths to stage an elaborate ruse, like a certain DukeBloggins)
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