they do! Speaking of inflation of stats did you know Pam Anderson's breasts are fake? (harhar har that ole gag)
Side note, Roy's (from the Office) last name is Anderson so if Pam had married him, her name would have been Pam Anderson.
During the Steroid heydays beginning in the mid to late 90's, players were getting injuries that were rare previously. Remember the good old days when fat pitcher would pull his back or skinny runner would twist an ankle stretching a double into a triple. Well friend if you now look at the disabled lists, it's all Muscle tears and joint/ligament problems. At first they thought it was because of the weight room. Players went from Robin Yount to Jose Conseco. Mark Mcgwire had admitted he used Androstenedione to keep him on the field because the previous years he had been constantly injured. (Mcgwire had once broken an arm swinging at strike two) While this might be true, towards the end of his career his knees were gone. He was still a big dude, he just couldn't make contact. It was the same affliction on Jason Giambi, Mcgwire's teammate in Oakland. Giambi's leg muscles had outgrown the ligaments connecting to the bone and were starting to tear. As a result he was swinging under the ball batting 190 something and my Yankees tried to void his contract. So what they took to keep them healthy and extending their careers had caused their demise. It's easy to point out guys like Giambi, Mcgwire, Sosa and Bonds but how about Jason Grimsley. Grimsley's stats were not very impressive but good enough to keep him in the league for 14 years. Yankees announcer Michael Kay had pointed out in a broadcast that Grimsley was a good guy but not the brightest bulb in the barn. Hence the Ned Isakov-an naming of names. Tejada that's twice! First with Palmeiro's B12 now this!
When the steroids were banned, the players fled to the HGH or Human Growth Hormone. Doctors had been giving many Athletes HGH during post-surgery to help them recover faster. The players noticed it's effectiveness and the fact that there is no current standardized test for it, HGH was perfect. Best yet, HGH doesn't super-size you turning Barry Bonds into Rocky Dennis Bonds. These guys work their entire lives to be professional ball players and have made much bigger sacrifices than shrinking testicles. Is it cheating or competing , or evening out the playing field. When a HGH test is finally found to be effective players careers will be much shorter and games will be more boring. Starting at first base, THIS GUY!
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