
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

J-Date Code

To the uninitiated, those lovely twentysomething ladies of J-Date may appear all too reasonable and responsible. Never hunting for those superficial accouterments of material success their misogynist detractors always herald...But wait, just a minute...what's up with all the high-frequency descriptions of the ideal mate? It's almost as if there were a...code:

  1. Ambitious and goal-oriented (provided ambition results in the acquisition of enviable real estate and goals revolve around furniture garnishes).
  2. Looking for a man who knows what he wants (as long as what he wants coincides nicely with my plans for a new pair of Christian Louboutin pumps).
  3. Must be materially and emotionally stable (to the point where said stability will not be compromised by excessive overpriced dinners and frequent tokens of your appreciation...emotional stability negotiable).
  4. Someone who loves what he does (assuming this meets the conditions laid out in 1, 2, and 3 above).

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