
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

That seals it up!

Cultish hero-worship aside, I was already behind Obama, but if he is good enough for (NBA) veterans than he is certainly good enough for me!


misha bavli said...

I like BHO as much as the next guy, (assuming the next guy is Republican), but I can't get behind this post. For one thing, Greg Oden is not an NBA veteran. He actually never played an NBA game - he has a shitty right knee.

whyduck said...

Greg Oden looks like Dikembe Mutombo's dad.

[Mcbain]DAT'S DE JOKE![/McBain]

And, yeah, it's not funny.

Bohemigrant said...

Whatever, I hear Kurt Rambis is about to come out for McCain any day now.