
Saturday, December 15, 2007

not you too Ron Villone!

As a Yankee fan I'm obligated to comment on the Mitchell Report.
(Or the REDSOX version of what happened in the last two decades REPORT)

20 million dollars for 20 former Yankees. Though only ONE true Yankee was on the List (and I'm not talking about Ron Villone).
As many of you know George Mitchell is a Share holder in the Redsox. What you don't know is he sleeps in Redsox pj's too, often massaging the back of John Henry. Why is it that the only people he could get to talk were a former Yankees trainer and former Met's clubhouse boy.
What about David Ortiz's comments last year. "I used to buy a protein shake in my country. I don't do that anymore because they don't have the approval for that here, so I know that, so I'm off buying things at the GNC back in the Dominican (Republic). But it can happen anytime, it can happen. I don't know. I don't know if I drank something in my youth, not knowing it." LIKELY! take a look at his pictures from when he was with the twins. Was that Eddie Griffin or ORTIZ?
I think the pressure got to Mitchell and he knew he had to put some names in there to spice it up. The report had no substance, there was weak evidence and he tried to mask that with Clemens and 80 something other names. As much as I enjoy seeing the Rich shamed, I'd rather it be fair.

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