I really did want to vote for McCain this year but, alas, the old man did everything he could to lose my vote. In his pursuit of power, JM has ceded a carefully cultivated image of independent, maverick legislation to appease the base. Worse still, he chose a supremely unqualified (though nice) lady as his second in command in a cynically calculated move of desperation, poisoning the race with irrelevant identity politics and inspiring careless vitriol. Further, with each debate and public appearance, it's become clearer that JM i a crotchety old man whose attitude could do more harm than good in a time when we need fresh ideas to compete in a global marketplace.
JM, I love you, you're a hero, but goodbye, and thanks for all the fish!
dude, i am so happy for you
Dude, while I agree with your implication that McCain has generally been a shitty candidate and is not likely to make a good President, I urge you to consider also the following:
(1) A united federal government will $%*@ us all, regardless of the banner under which it is united. With the democrats in charge, Code Pinkers and their ilk will have a disproportionately strong voice in government.
(2) While Obama is certainly a cynical politician, willing to walk all manners of tight-rope to get elected, he is still at heart a liberal. While almost certainly possessed of a greater intelligence than McCain, once elected, Obama would put his considerable talents toward implementing scary-ass leftist policies, such bankrupting energy companies and taking my hard-earned money to support Marxist pipe dreams.
In short, I would rather have in the White House a dubiously competent Republican who will, at least, divide government, than a committed liberal-Democrat who will have the power and ability to turn this country into the early 2000's version of France.
We are all disappointed with McCain - but his inadequacy does not justify a vote for Obama.
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