
Saturday, January 05, 2008


This being 2008, Bohemigrant Blog will predictably devote a good amount of blogspace to presidential politics. Few public spectacles are as entertaining or, dare I say it, exciting. We have, for the first time, the possibility of a woman or a black man becoming leader of the (for the time being) free world. We also have the clear and present menace of a populist huckster pitching his patronizing sermons on wealth disparity.

On the republican side, we have a bona fide war hero with principles, a celebrity mayor whose common-sense politics don't fit his party's mantra, an unctuous, joke-cracking preacher, and a morphing Mormon opportunist. Sadly, the possibility of a Huckabee- or Romney-Edwards election is all too real, denying Bohemigrant an opportunity to vote in his first presidential campaign ever.

Still, with mounting suspense (see Bloomberg's teasing maneuvers), we should have one of the most exciting elections to date. And we're off!

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