I tuned in as they were showing, http://theclimacticdeathofdarkninja.com/ The Climactic Death of Dark Ninja.
This movie is by far the WORST student film/short I had ever seen in my life. I wish I had the 13 minutes back. After the first minute I kept on telling myself, it's on TV, surely this has to go somewhere! Now keep in mind, I went to art school and have seen some of the most horrible films (some of which I helped produce), none could match this.
It wasn't quirky, cute or ironic or funny. It was stupid. Watching it you can tell there was definitely some money spent on the production. The audio didn't match the kids lips most of the time. The dialogue was pitiful. The direction was making me dizzy.
So I was actually pissed off afterwards. I went online and found that this short had actually won some awards, one of them for BEST AUDIO. Maybe this can be the next Michael Bay, or Brett Ratner or